Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Detox Emotions Through Writing

Negative emotions, experiences and your thought-life can have as much of an impact on your health as physical influences can. Dwelling on things like embarrassing moments, traumatic experiences and negative, angry thoughts suppress your bodies ability to heal and function properly. When you begin to stress out, your body actually stops producing cancer-fighting secretions and can cause problems in the long term. It is important for us to guard our hearts and our minds.

I’ve always found it easy to figure out how to help heal through physical causes, such as through diet and exercise, but I am less acquainted with how to detox our bodies from unhealthy thoughts and memories. During the weekend, however, I was with a family friend, who happens to be our countries oldest practicing herbalist and is full of a lot of advice and knowledge when it comes to matters of the body and mind. He brought up a great technique that anyone can do, to help rid themselves and detox thoughts they don’t want to dwell on anymore. What he suggested, was to write down your negative experiences that you want to cleanse yourself from and finish the writing with a positive affirmation, such as “I am letting go of this experience and learning from the lessons it has taught me”.
By carrying out this therapeutic practice, we no longer have to hold these experiences inside and release them from us (so that we’re not hoarding them inside!) from them and look at them in a more positive light by learning from them (if we are able!).

Today I bought a ‘detox book’, as I like to call it, for myself and want to put this to the test from now on! I will let you know how I get on.

Icons made by Madebyoliver from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

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