If you're anything like me and avoid taking any medication (like the pill) you probably don't feel like you have much control over when your period comes. If you have a fairly regular cycle, you can often predict when Aunt Flo is going to visit you next - and sometimes she barges in at an inconvenient time.
With a little time and research (and practice on myself!), I've been able to induce my period through natural methods. There are no guarantees, but I've been able to encourage my period to come as much as five days before my expected start-date - and that's without really trying!
All you'll need is a specific collection of essential oils - listed below - and a diffuser would be helpful too, but not necessary. Essential oils are incredibly powerful and you'll experience this first hand if you use them to alter your cycle. Because of this, never do this method if you are pregnant. The oils have a 'labour inducing' effect and you should stay away from them at all costs.
The essential oils that induce your menstrual cycle are classed as 'emmenagogue' which is defined as 'a substance that stimulates or increases menstrual flow'. This is because certain substances stimulate blood flow to the pelvic region. They can also be helpful for women who have periods that are absent for whatever reason.
The following oils fit within this group:
Sweet Marjoram
Clary Sage
Sweet Fennel
Sweet Fennel
I haven't experimented with the full list of oils, but the ones I have found effective for me are rosemary, sweet marjoram and clary sage.
What you'll want to do is to put a few drops of each into your diffuser and put it on throughout the day. I would usually do this for a couple of days and my period will come not long afterwards. I have always used this method around a week before my period was meant to come and no longer - I suspect if you left it even longer than that, that you may not yield the same results.
I also wouldn't recommend using this method every month. Although natural substances are used, it's altering the natural rhythm of your body, so use it sparingly and trust the rhythms of your body.
I also wouldn't recommend using this method every month. Although natural substances are used, it's altering the natural rhythm of your body, so use it sparingly and trust the rhythms of your body.
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