Proof in the rigorous sense doesn’t exist for anything except for mathematical proofs.
For most things, you cannot prove them to 100% certainty, however, when we look at evidence, we look to see whether something is true beyond a reasonable doubt. I believe the evidence for the Christian God is there beyond a reasonable doubt, when looking at the collective evidences. What these evidences are, is a different topic.
It is true the science cannot prove God, but it cannot disprove Him, either. Why? Because science is “the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”. This is why it cannot prove or disprove something that is outside of the physical and natural world, it cannot comment on the super-natural realm. However, it can provide evidences of an intelligent designer at work within the natural world and point us in the direction of God and away from a natural/material explanation for what is found here. Many things we discover through science show us the limitations of the natural world and can show us where beyond a reasonable doubt a designer is at work.
For most things, you cannot prove them to 100% certainty, however, when we look at evidence, we look to see whether something is true beyond a reasonable doubt. I believe the evidence for the Christian God is there beyond a reasonable doubt, when looking at the collective evidences. What these evidences are, is a different topic.
It is true the science cannot prove God, but it cannot disprove Him, either. Why? Because science is “the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”. This is why it cannot prove or disprove something that is outside of the physical and natural world, it cannot comment on the super-natural realm. However, it can provide evidences of an intelligent designer at work within the natural world and point us in the direction of God and away from a natural/material explanation for what is found here. Many things we discover through science show us the limitations of the natural world and can show us where beyond a reasonable doubt a designer is at work.
So although we cannot definitely prove God as you can prove 2+2=4, it seems that you can prove Him beyond a reasonable doubt and get close to certainty, not just through scientific evidences that point us in the direction of an intelligent designer, but through historical evidence, teleological evidence, the moral law, personal experiences and so on.
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