Thursday, 7 January 2016

The Natural Cure For Acne? (It's Easier Than You Think!)

I spent years of my life suffering with acne, it was miserable waking up and wondering what state my skin was in. Now I wake up and barely think about it - let me tell you what a blessing that is!

For those of you with clear skin - appreciate it! For those of you searching for answers, please look no further than my advice on here, it is tried and tested. I have tried many, many skincare products. I even tried medication. These are not the answer and here's why...

Skincare products.

I spent a lot of money on skincare products, only to discover that conventional skincare products (products that are not organic) are not only not getting rid of acne, they're actually causing havoc within your body.
Conventional skincare products are loaded with synthetic chemicals that have been proven to cause problems within the body and can potentially contribute to your acne further. Whatever you put onto your skin, is absorbed into the blood stream - fast. Under a minute, in fact.
You want to make sure that what is going on your skin is only going to help you, not hate you.

Although you might see some improvement with existing acne, ignore the marketing lie that says products help cure acne. What skincare companies don't tell you is that their skincare is loaded with harmful chemicals, some of which have had little to no testing. There are ingredients that have been tested and flags have been raised regarding their safety...yet they still remain in your products.

Take sodium laurel sulphate (SLS) for example. This is a common ingredient in skin and hair care products. In scientific trials, where research is being conducted on how to treat skin irritation, SLS is used as the initial skin irritant.

Crazy, right?

Your body can accumulate the toxins from your products in the lymphatic system. Most people's lymphatic systems are not working optimally these days, which means the toxins don't get quickly removed and cause problems in your body for an even longer period of time. The body tries to purge these toxins in a number of ways, one of which is through the skin.

You know the pus that comes out of a whitehead? That's lymph!

When you use products on your skin, use the most natural, most organic products you can to avoid the toxic cycle.

But, skincare isn't really where you should be looking.

Acne Medication

Without going into too much detail or specifics, please refrain from trying medication. 
I was put on antibiotics for my acne at one stage (if I could go back, I wouldn't take it!) and although my skin cleared up for a maximum of two weeks, the acne came straight back the moment I stopped taking it, slightly worse than before. 

Pharmaceuticals are always harmful, there isn't a pharmaceutical drug that doesn't have a side effect. They don't heal the body, they only treat symptoms and as we learnt earlier, acne is a symptom, not the root cause, so if you want to say goodbye to your acne forever, treat the root! Pharmaceuticals do not do treat the root cause, especially for acne suffers. No one has ever got a disease through lack of medication. 

The reason finding the real cure for acne can take such a long time is because of money. There are multiple industries trying to cash in on the fact that you have acne. Some of these include the beauty industry, the skincare industry and the industry of dermatology.

Think of it this way, if there was a skincare product that cured acne after someone used the first bottle, the company would go out of business pretty quickly afterwards, right?
Patients make money, not the cured.

Your doctor (unless they are of a rare breed) will not tell you that you can heal acne from eating right. This is because:
1) They have no training in nutrition and don't take a holistic approach to the body.
2) Their job is to hand out pharmaceuticals, not prescribe a lifestyle change.

You also might see some people saying "there isn't enough research to show the link between diet and acne". Do you know why? Because no one is paying for that research. In the end, I didn't care if there was research or not, I looked up real people with real testimonials who had cured their acne through their diet!

Acne comes from within. Acne isn't actually the thing that needs a "cure" or needs to be treated, it is what is causing the acne that needs to be taken care of.
Until you fix the problem on the inside, the acne will stay. This is good news, don't be alarmed and start wondering how on earth you are meant to find out what is wrong. Why? Because whatever is wrong, can usually be fixed with one rule - look after your body.

The Acne Diet

What does this mean? It mainly means: eating healthily. 

Acne can be caused by a number of things, such as hormonal imbalance, constipation, an unhealthy gut, the need to detoxify your body effectively - all of which are achieved through a healthy diet. As simple as that. As soon as I did this, my skin cleared up.

What is a healthy diet?
It mainly consists of plant-based foods, particularly fruits and vegetables (and as much raw food as you can!).

The traditional "healthy diet" we have been taught (the one where we're recommended to eat dairy and meat) has only achieved a generation of sick, tired, overweight and unhealthy people.

Dairy in particular is a "food" group that causes the most problems for those with a susceptibility to acne. Dairy is an absolute no-no!
It's full of hormones, pus (yes, pus!) and all sorts of nasties, including GMO's and medication.
When your body is exposed to something like this, for some of us (sigh) it expels these toxins though our skin, resulting in acne.

There are plenty of testimonials from people, myself included, who sing the praises of cutting out dairy from their diets. Leave the stuff to who it's made for - baby cows.

The real goal of eating well is to let your body do all the work. Your body heals itself naturally, if it's got the right tools to do so. We provide those tools through what we eat. When our bodies get too acidic (which happens when our lymphatic systems aren't working optimally) problems arise. The body wants to get rid of the acids that accumulate, but if your lymph system is down, they stagnate and eat away at your body from within.

By eating well, you allow your lymph system, which include the kidneys and adrenals to function properly again and expel the acids through your urine and through sweat, rather than your skin which results in pimple.

For those of you who want to kick-start your lymph system along with a healthy diet, I highly recommend taking Dr. Morse's Kidney and Adrenal Formulas (they're natural and made up of herbs that help detox and regenerate specific organs). These formulas have helped me personally, which I can go into more detail about in another blog post.

If you have any questions or would like to talk to me about any of the topics raised in the article, please feel free to contact me.


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